View Full Version : Vacuum table

04-01-2010, 10:31 PM
I attended the Shop Bot training last year in Durham . The experience was really helpful........REALLY HELPFUL!
After I recovered from being that close to Duke University (Huge Clemson guy ), I learned a good bit. In fact had I not attended that class I would ask many more stupid questions on here than I do ! (If you can beleive it !):rolleyes:

While there I saw a really nice vacuum table system on one of the 4x8 machines, but that was the one thing I didn't take notes on.:rolleyes:

Does anyone on here wish to share a plan for making such a system and maybe a build sheet?
I am about to lose my mind trying to clamp the signs I'm making and cut them out etc ! Some jobs are a breeze and some nearly impossible ! Any help would be great !
Thanks !

04-04-2010, 07:24 PM

There have been many, many threads on vacuum table systems over the years in here. Use the search function and that should keep you busy reading for hours on end.

I've had my 'Bot for about 7 years now and have yet to install one and likely never will. There are other ways to skin that cat. It all depends on what you're using your machine for, I reckon.

04-04-2010, 08:00 PM

Contact me offline. I've got LARGE (to big to post on the forum) Partworks files for creating a plenum using 2 sheets of 3/4" baltic birch glued together. It is for a 96x60 table but could be scaled down for your table. There are a couple of files for creating the vacuum motor holes in the table as well.