View Full Version : XYzero.sbp variable input file

03-10-2009, 07:06 PM
Hi all. I'm operating a prtAlpha and have recently reinstalled the proximity switches. Got to the point where I need to input the x and y variables (distance from the prox switch trigger point to the 0,0 table origin). The proceedure listed in my manual calls to enter these variables in the XYzero.sbp file located in the SBP.parts folder. However, that file does not contain the lines I am used to seeing (&xbot= -.5)so I can enter these corrections. Any ideas on where in the latest XYZero.sbp file I should enter them? Thanks. Ron

03-10-2009, 07:49 PM

You should find what you're looking for here. "C:\SbParts\Custom\my_variables.sbc"

Look for this section....

' these are used by the XYZero program
&my_XYzeroOffsetX= -x.xxx
&my_XYzeroOffsetY= -x.xxx

Where x is the value you want to enter.
