View Full Version : Another tool path problem

09-11-2008, 03:38 PM
I'm trying to cut a 1/4" slot with a 1/4" bit in Partworks and the tool path ware says the bit will not fit the vector at machining depth. The vector is a rectangle 1/4" wide and some greater length with 1/8" radiused corners. It seems to me it should fit. Any ideas? I could use a smaler bit but all the other cuts on this project use the 1/4" bit so I don't want to change. Bit is a 1/4" spiral upcut.

09-11-2008, 03:55 PM

You have to increase the pocket size to larger than the bit size, even if it's just 0.001".

You can also create a centerline vector and machine "on" that vector.

If you truly need that 1/4" slot toolpathed as a pocket then you'll have to use an undersized bit. Weird, but that's how it works.

Good luck with it.

09-11-2008, 07:47 PM
Yeah, I ended up increasing the width but next time I'll try a centerline vector. That sounds like it would give me what I wanted.

I fouled on my first attempt at this part anyway as I zeroed my x & y while meaning to jog the x & y in between running tool paths. Too bad there is no undo for stuff like that.

09-11-2008, 08:15 PM
If you do a "C3" (which zeroes x,y with the proximity switches) before every project, then go to your project x,y zero and write down the offsets, you can always do a C3 and come right back to them.

This method has saved me countless times.

09-11-2008, 11:45 PM
John, instead of drawing a slot, you could just draw a line and machine along vector.
