'Spindle ON 'Turn on Spindle/Router or Drill for MTC If %(22) = 1 Then End 'Routine not needed for Preview Display &CZ = %(3) GoSub WarnMoveZ SO,4,1 If &tool > 19 Then GoTo Spindle2 Spindle1: SO,1,1 GoTo PressStart Spindle2: If &tool > 29 Then GoTo IsDrill1 SO,2,1 GoTo PressStart IsDrill1: If &tool > 39 Then GoTo IsDrill2 SO,5,1 GoTo PressStart IsDrill2: If &tool > 49 Then GoTo IsDrill3 If &DrillType = 0 Then SO,6,1 If &DrillType = 1 Then SO,7,1 GoTo PressStart IsDrill3: If &tool > 59 Then GoTo IsDrill4 If &DrillType = 0 Then SO,7,1 GoTo PressStart IsDrill4: If &tool > 69 Then GoTo DTSpindle If &DrillType = 0 Then SO,8,1 GoTo PressStart DTSpindle: SO,1,1 GoTo PressStart PressStart: End 'Does a Wiggle of the Z to Warn about Manual Tool Change WarnMoveZ: 'MZ,%(3) + .05 'MZ,%(3) - .05 'MZ,%(3) Return