Andre, try designing and making a few "picture frames" with borders similar to what you posted at the top of this thread. GIVE them to local trophy shops, Personalize them with a V-carved plaque in the center using the names of the trophy shops. Make them so attractive that the shops will WANT to display them where customers can see them.

Of course the largest price markup comes when the product is sold to the final-purchaser, and you will lose out on that mark up if you sell to a trophy shop. To sell to the final-purchaser, start making the rounds of local amateur sports leagues, such as bowling, softball, golf, etc. For example, how much will a golfer pay for an attractive plaque showing his name, date, and the layout of the hole where he just made a "hole-in-one"?? Try talking first to the league secretary, they're the ones who wind up buying the awards for events.

At John Forney's first (2002) ShopBot Camp,he talked a little about direct marketing, and suggested finding the events where people with the most money attend. For example, find the leagues at the most expensive golf courses in your area.