I have had issues cutting slatwall with the spindle getting hot and shutting down. ( EF4 message)
I start with 1/2" bit 1/2" deep then used a T slot bit then to the slat wall bit. I ran the 3rd bit at 1.5 IPS to no avail. I then cut 10 of the 30 slats and cooled the spindle for 10 minutes. I tried speeding up the process blowing compressed air on the spindle. Today I did the 1/2" bit at 8 IPS.Then went to the larger slat wall bit and cut at 3.5 IPS and blew air on the spindle during the cutting. Cut all 30+ slots with no problems and did 3 boards.
If I set up a goose neck with air blowing without manually holding the hose am I doing damage to my spindle even though it isn't shutting down from over heat?
Please if you have any input share it with me.