Has anyone tried to carve in a landscape stone like you see in peoples Flower beds. I don't exactly know what type of stone these are but I think they come in many different types adn tehy are around 6" to 12" round or oval. I have searched the forum but have come up dry. Maybe I don't know the exact phase to get the results that I am looking for?

I have two questions.

1. what type of bits can you use in a PC router to carve in a hard surface like stone?

2. Has anyone rigged up a liquid cooling tub or area to allow the liquid to get recaptured and used again? How would you keep the liquid from gettin all over the Router? Seems water and electricity would not be a good combination? I was thinking of a clear deflection sheild mounted below the router moving with the Z axis that allows the bit to access the stone?

Yes this is just another one of the thousands of ideas that I have had during the many years of looking at the shopbot before I actually took the plunge. Please give me your expert opinion on this and tell me why this is such a bad idea so I can move on to the next bad idea.