I have a blog that's been running since 2003, except for about a year when our server was slightly damaged due to being hijacked by a spammer to as to send important body-improvement info to needy folks in Brazil and Portugal.

However, my weblog, called "The Adventures of Bloggard," has been restored and is back underway, and can be found at http://bloggard.com. I must admit that I do not discuss my various projects, ShopBot or otherwise, very much on this weblog.

Instead is is filled with over 400 'micro-stories' which many people find funny, absurd, touching, or weird. The stories are mostly true, except for a few lies, and sometime epiphanies.

In addition to the micro-stories, there are a number of 'wisdom logs' which describe some law of the human experience. Some people find these funny. Other folks find them true. There is also a 'Fortune Cookie' which often will give you something to think about when you visit.

I imagine that many of you older botters will relate to the micro-stories, as the stories go back in time, to an earlier time that you will remember.

I apologize that I have very little about my ShopBot projects in The Adventures of Bloggard, but ... well, you'll see.


-- Arthur Cronos, Mount Shasta CA