I'm in the middle of setting up an indexer, so I'm also investigating methods of generating the necessary toolpaths. I've had good luck so far making cylindrical things using Vectric's Cut3D and carving two sides. That works as long as the object is properly symmetrical, but I've recently gotten some requests for things that can't easily be done that way. I've included an example of one below.

I've noticed that if I use similar settings for the indexer as I used for Cut3D, the resulting indexer files sometimes take a lot longer to cut than the two sided ones. For example, the two sided version for the finial takes a little over an hour for each side. Using code produced by DeskProto, it takes nearly 5 hours.

On the other hand, the bead and reel molding that I've made in the past takes about the same time either way.

Is there a different relationship between the bit diameter and the stepover when using an indexer? For relatively small or detailed objects, I generally use a 1/8" ball nose. If I want a very smooth finish, I use a stepover of .01". If it doesn't need to be real smooth I'll go up to .015". Seldom as high as .02".


