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Thread: Computer locked up on pause

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Hunterland, North Freedom Wisconsin

    Smile Computer locked up on pause

    Is any one awake on this Christmas Eve that might have an idea on how i can save this cutting , I,m 82 % done with this cut and I paused it like I have many times before by hitting the space bar but this time instead of retracting to the save Z position it sits there and says it is stopping . It does not show me the move # it is on and I,m at a loss as how I can finish it with out loosing 4 + hours of cut time Any ideas would be a great help. Merry Christmas Don

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    do you see the line number close to where it stopped? Also make note of the physical place of your router position on the table.

    go to File/ Goto line and call up file then i think you inmput the last line of moves you see and place the router close to that position (very important) or it will go across your material and ruin it (unless it has changed since i last used it).
    Words of Wisdom:
    “Words that sink into your ears are whispered…… not yelled”
    “The biggest trouble maker you’ll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every morn’n”
    “The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth”
    Just remember...when it's time for the hearse to pull up..there's no luggage rack on top!
    The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it...Thomas Jefferson

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Habitat For Bats, Jackson GA


    Yep, get the line number as suggested. I don't know your zeroing situation. Hopefully you didn't loose your XY zero. If you have already cut away your Z Zero you may have to get some scrap material to set it.

    I've had my system lock up on a pause before, rare, but it is indeed a PITA.

    Good luck, let us know how it turns out.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    hate to say it but this has happened to me a handful of times and its a loss. I rezore all my axis using the prox sensors for the xy and re-start the file. Save the work-piece but the time is gone.
    "The most valuable tool I have is the experience of others" - Me

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default yup

    I have experienced it hanging up on a few occasions as well. I used the go to line command as jack referred too, but i had moved the x and y back to zero. (bib mistake) This was my first experience and you learn by your mistakes. As the router neared the line it cut through some of my previous raised 3-d cuttings. To save the board and part of the project I started over with a lowered z setting, but time was lost.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Hunterland, North Freedom Wisconsin


    Thanks for the responces I could not see any place that told me the line # as i have seen it before and at first I just raised it from -.250 to 1.00 + hopeing that would trigger something but it did not and stayed frozen! Then as time was short for the evening I told it to home it self and it did , then started the program again and it appeared to have stayed on track although minus almost 4 hours of cut time the only good thing is it was cuting pvc and had rewelded some of the shavings and hopefully will clean them up on the next 4 hour cut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks again and if it makes it through I will post the final product . I then shut it off for the next couple of days untill the weekend again . Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Don

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Here is a couple hints, next time this happens...DO NOT TOUCH ANY BUTTONS!
    go look at the line number you are on because once you move anything you are RESETTING the files so when you moved the carriage that reset your lines. Also before moving you could either make a mark on your material right below where your router stopped, or take a picture so you can get it bacdk in the previous vicinity when using the GOTO command.

    Here is a procedure that has saved my butt several times. I usually always set my X,Y 0 to the center of my material. In setting everything up i do this:

    C3 take carriage to table 0,0

    then i move the bit to the center of my material, wherever it is on my table.

    I then take a paper and pen and write down the X,Y location and set that aside.

    Then i Zero X,Y

    C2 to get material surface Z height. Usually leave enough material around material to redo Z if i need to.

    The point in writing down and Zeroing your bit in the X,Y is this. If you have a loss of settings all you have to do is do a C3 back to table 0,0 then take those settings you wrote down at the beginning at do a
    MX(the numbers you wrote down) same MY
    and you are back to the center of your material.
    Words of Wisdom:
    “Words that sink into your ears are whispered…… not yelled”
    “The biggest trouble maker you’ll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every morn’n”
    “The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth”
    Just remember...when it's time for the hearse to pull up..there's no luggage rack on top!
    The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it...Thomas Jefferson

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Retired, Scarborough Maine 04074

    Default This is what I do...

    I am assuming that you are not losing x and y orientation.

    1. BEFORE MOVING ANYTHING, write down the X, Y, and Z value.

    The concept is to roughly find the location in the file. You know it was 82% done... Lets use some numbers... say the file is 60,000 lines long.

    2. Make a copy of your cut file...

    3. In the copy file, Edit from the first move location, typically a J2 and
    calculate what the line number would be if you were 82% the way through... This will not get you to the EXACT line but close enough.

    .82 * 60,000 = 49,200

    4. SO delete from the first move command to line 49200. (notepad does a good job because it tells you the line numbers you are on.)

    5. Save the file but keep it open... Now scan through the next 100 or so lines to see if the x and y match up (or are close)

    I would delete all the move commands up to that point when you find something close.

    6. so say the move command you have selected is

    M3, 27.123, 30.321, -1.3 (Example)

    You need to add a couple of move commands BEFORE this line in the file so
    that the cutter will be directly above and plunge in, in the z direction.

    so I would add

    MZ, 1.5 (anything to clear the part top
    M2, 27.123, 30.321 (matches the first valid cutting line )

    and then the next would be the first point in the file

    M3, 27.123, 30.321, -1.3

    Save the file and use this as you next cut file

    THIS SHOULD GET YOU TO THE RIGHT PLACE and then let the rest of the file finish the cuts

    If you think your Z axis is wrong, then run a C2 to a know correct Z-origin

    When you start the cut, (first hit the bys room) . then have your hand on the space bar to emergency stop if it show up clearly at a different location,( which would indicate that you need to try to
    rezero everything.)

    I have never lost X and Y on my machine during a cut which is why this works consistently for me.

    Have a GREAT NEW YEAR!

    Bob Condon

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Atlanta GA


    If you run the file in Preview mode then hover the mouse over the line at the point where the machine stopped, the file name, line number, and x,y, and z coordinates will be displayed at the bottom of the preview window. You can use that information to set the machine at the correct place and restart the file at the correct line.
    David Buchsbaum
    Beacon Custom Woodwork, Inc.
    dba Atlanta Closet & Storage Solutions

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