I have this program called NameRazor that you input a list of terms or names and it generates a business name. It is what we used to create Habitat For Bats. It doesn't really give you the end result but helps get your mind wandering spuring creativity. Anyway... it can be fun too.

For example...
Brady, Watson, Scanning, CNC, Foam
Gives me... (choosing the better one's in the list)
FoamBot (no lie, that's in the list)

CNC, Bill, Palumbo, Wine, Girls, Foam
gives me...
CNC Bear
Focus Foam
Whiz Wine (uhhh... no)
Scope CNC
Foam Mates
CNC Hound

You get the idea. Nothing grand. It's not a cure all and it can be limited at times... but it gets you thinking which is the point.

It was only $15 and you can find it by on Google. (I'm not affiliated in any way) OR... just post 4 or 5 terms here and I'll run them through and see what comes out.