Hi John Zarski,

Are you using a spindle on your PRT conversion? If not, have you looked at the Super PID Variable Speed controller for Porter Cable or other multiple speed selection routers. It is very nice and and depending on how it is hooked up you can have infinitely variable speeds from a minimum of 5,000 to maximum available rpms. It has the ability to read the rpm specified in your Mach3 Gcode file. RPM is displayed on the screen and you can vary the speed with sliders on the main control screen during operation. It can also be wired via a pot and be separate from the controller. Of course, the pot wired version can even be utilized with the OEM shopbot software. Not sure if this could be electronically wired for for variable speed use with the shopbot software.

Also, at a very modest price tag, the 2010 Screen set is available for Mach3. It is really a slick interface and easily modified to a particular users preference. Macros with easy screen button touch operation is another plus in Windows 7. Also, included is a semi automatic tool change with associated easy screen button touch macro.
