So here's a question: I'm trying to write a script that moves to a specific TABLE BASE location, not one that is offset from my 0,0 location, so explain further:

I start my machine up and I do C3. My tool is now zeroed in X and Y off of the prox switches. I can zero my table base coordinates there too. This way I can set software limits for my table so no matter where I zero my job I can't drive the machine off of the table.

This works nicely for the keypad shortcuts, so even though I zero somewhere else on the table, my preset 1 always goes back to the TABLE BASE 0,0 (that's where I change my bits)

What I'm looking to do is make a script that sends the tool to a TABLE base location in X and Y, regardless of where my current 0,0 setting is. Does that make any sense?

Basically what I'm doing is trying to send my machine to a fixed zero plate, even though in my scripts I'm making sure I switch to absolute mode (SA) my moves are started from where ever I have zeroed, not from the table base 0....

Is there a certain way I do a move for this to work the way that I want?