Whenever I stumble in Fusion I usually switch to V-Carve to see how it should work. Today I'm trying to learn about post processors and how they issue spindle speed commands.

I use V-Carve Pro 7 at the TechShop and have always found it painful to go through the 17 choices of Post Processors for ShopBot.

I've been using the "ShopBot ARC (inch)w/Speed(*.sbp)" without issue on the ShopBot PRSAlpha, Buddy and Desktop.

Does ShopBot write the Post Processors or does Vectric? It seems like V-Carve could do more to ask about your ShopBot model and then output thru a single post processor to make it easier, but then maybe I'm missing something.

I'm curious about the other choices. Can anyone shed any light on the options for:

Head2, Drill Head2?
Tool Changer - that one seems obvious to models with tool changers



17 post processors of V-Carve Pro.jpg