The first three tools on my ATC are all drill bits. A brad point and two boring bits. Because of the geometry of the tips, I don't get an appropriate measurement when I zero the bits. The bits are zeroed to the very tip and so they never cut as deep as they need to. i.e they need to be zeroed to the "flat" section of the bit.

My workaround for this has been to open the “C:\Sbparts\Custom\ATC_Local_Data\
ATC_tool_variables.sbc” file and manually change the z value for tools 1 through 3 by 0.125 or 0.0625

For example if, after zeroing, the z value for tool 1 is -3.125 I will manually change it to -3.250 in the file and then save the file, effectively cheating the z value of the drill bit.

It doesn't take very long to do this but it seems like I should be able to write a custom cut file to automate the process. Ideally it would open the ATC_tool_variables.sbc, change the z values where necessary and then save the file.

Is this possible to do? Would it be relatively simple or is it super complicated? I don't have much experience with code. Any help or pointers would be appreciated. Thanks!