I posted awhile back I was having a problem with E Stop giving me crazy errors that did not cause the contactors to disengage like they would if you were to hit the red stop button. My system would just stop during a cut or #4 would flash with the unit idle. To my surprise someone else on the forum was having the same problem..

After a fair amount of head scratching I did (after 2 weeks) and sending the main control board to Shop Bot with a report nothing wrong with the board. Replacing main contactors and 3 button pendent and jumping out the estop contacts, none of the above fixed it. I found the problem.

What I found on the zero plate there is a connector for the duplicator probe. That probe gets 5VDC through the connector. Something happened to the cable (not sure what) but it is causing a software #4 error. I disconnected the wire and no more problems. I have a new cable on order and will replace it.

I have attached a print to show where the issue was. Hope this helps someone in the future if this bug bites themimg063.jpg