I have a 36X24 desktop and work in an Innovation Center in a rural school in Vermont. I'm trying to come up with an easy and safe way for holding down material (wood exclusively at this point). The Shopbot came with some bolts and bits that fit in the t-rail but they seem too short to hold anything over 1/2 inch thick! Or I'm just really confused.

From your pictures it looks like you are using some kind of hold down jig. How does that all work? Where does the carpet tape/no residue tape go? I'm a real newbie and don't even understand most of the acronyms people are using on this site. HDO? MDO?

I've tried the super glue thing and it worked but seems expensive to go through that much glue. Any ideas/further explanation would be greatly appreciated!

Quote Originally Posted by scottp55 View Post
Had VERY good luck using the carpet tape shown(1.88" width essential)/ and the "No Residue" Duck tape on a surface like HDO(waxed) or lacquered/waxed wood.
"Bonnie" buttons were .75"D, and the Bloodwood "Trees" were cut Monday and no residue even though that Bloodwood has been stuck down 11 months(AND STAYED stuck FLAT) and were cut out using a .5" (.25"R)pointed round over bit.
The trick is to cut only into the no residue tape, and to make last pass less than .01".
I don't know, but works great for me.