I recently ordered a new Dust Shroud and Dust Skirt replacement kit from Shopbot. The original dust shroud and skirt fell apart long ago and I have been getting by with a home made rig, or not using dust collection at all.

I was excited when the new parts arrived. After unpacking everything and looking carefully through the box I could not find screws to attach the skirt to the shroud. Were they forgotten? A quick check of the Shopbot website showed no screws in the shroud or included with the skirt. ... Well, darn!! Now I have to go find screws? What size? How long? What a pain!

I dug through my scrap bin and eventually found some mismatched screws that worked. Otherwise, I would have to call Shopbot to ask the size screws required, then drive 15 miles to Home Depot to get 6 screws.

How much trouble would it be to include 6 screws with the Dust Shroud? Increase the price by a dollar or two if necessary. If that is too much, at least include a note that says "six #x-xx screws required". They could even offer them as a "Dust Skirt Fastener kit".

I admit this is a very minor issue, but sometimes it is the "little things" that indicate the direction of an organization. What is Shopbot thinking? Well, for this item, it seems to me they are not thinking.