I've had some issues with my control box for some time (2008-ish). I've managed to put band aids on the problem and get by. My newest problem is the control computer needs replacing. Since I have an older PRS Alpha with VSD will it even work without updating the control board with a new windows computer. The issues I've had with the machine all point to the main board. When the machine is first turned on I am prompted that the E stop is pushed and needs to be reset. It is not pushed. ( disconnected years ago) After several hours this goes away on its own and the machine will work fine until it is turned off. I've talked to shopbot and we have tried changing computers, usb hubs, disconnecting e stops. Nothing has been able to eliminate the problem. The last conversation was to send the control board in to have it looked at. ( I didn't ask a dollar amount).

Now that I'm needing to change computers, do I need a new board anyway. Has anyone had to upgrade like this before. I have an old XP I could use if needed but don't know which control software works best with it.

The bummer part is a local TV show films at our shop about 6 times and year. This last show we did in October I have to borrow a friends CNC (not a shopbot) for the show because of the above issues. I like using my own stuff, much more comfortable and it gives Shopbot some air time.