About 9 years ago, a post here taught me how to go from Sketchup to V-carve/Aspire, version not being a factor with either product. Reality is, when Vectric attempted to get this rolling smoothly, the Sketchup layers don't jive with Vectric layers. Because they don't really work like layers in Sketchup. Which is probably why Sketchup recently stopped calling them Layers, hence their new term: "Tags"

What does this mean?

1> To be clear, Sketchup files will never be able to be opened in a Vectric program, any more than MS Word can open a Sketchup file
2> You will need to lay your parts out flat in Sketchup, then export (with a Sketchup Plug-in) cutouts/holes/dados, etc., as dxf files which can then be imported into your Vectric product for creating part files
3> You can try the Sketchup file importer that Vectric developed, as I did, but in communicating with Vectric directly about the bugs/issues/shortcomings, it was concluded it just wasn't going to quite work, again, due to the Layer/Tag incompatibility. As I recall, simple cutouts worked okay, but as soon as you start adding holes, rabbets, dados, the chaos ensues and the whole process turns into a frustrating mess, making steps outlined in point #2 much easier, so I've stuck with that methodology ever since.

Eric will hopefully chime in here, as he's developed an app to simplify/streamline this cumbersome process. I have not tried it as of late, so can't speak to it's current capabilities. (Sorry Eric- perhaps I should take another stab at it!)

You also may investigate Mozaik or Cab-writer/Cutlist Bridge products by Joe Zeh (swamp road woodworking). I've been using Cutlist Bridge to export components into Cutlist Plus, which estimates sheet good layouts/quantities, board foot quantities for your solid wood components, and numbers them all so part labels may be printed for organized production.
By graduating into the Cab-Writer level of his products, you gain full flow-through from Sketchup to Vectric with all the benefits of Cutlist Plus.

Bottom line- You certainly can use Sketchup and convert your model's components into part files using a Vectric product, but you're first in need of more processing time/techniques, or products. Just depends on how easy you want the conversion to go, balanced with your choice of investing in more products, or grinding it out manually.
