Another senior moment... I bought a fancy set of punches from Amazon that were kind of expensive for what they were. When they arrived, I delighted over their technical excellence and put them in a safe place. A few months later, I was doing a job and thought, this is the perfect use for my fancy punches. Couldn't find them. Couldn't remember what they looked like. Did the job with some mocked up nails and shaped rods.

Figuring I must have accidentally thrown them out or some mysterious night dwelling creature took the set (the same one who steals single socks), I bought another set. When it arrived, I instantly recognized the pouch and where it was. Naturally, the set was safe and sound exactly where I left it. It was the green pouch that threw me off. I sent the new set back to Amazon. I used the set during a job a few weeks ago and they were amazing as punches.