well i am finally hitting the brad nails that we used to hold things together on my table. I know (bonehead move) we put this together a few years back and were scrambling to beat the glue drying between layers. Needless to say looks like i'm gonna have to start over as i cannot remember if we just used nails/screws on the plenum or also embedded in the trupan and i really don't want to deal with any more fires from embedded nails/screws.

i've already got the docs from shopbot on how to do the plenum/table build but since i can't get replacement wood til next week i thought i would reach out to anyone that cares to chime in on tips, tricks, suggestions or latest thoughts on doing plenums/vac tables etc.

I am planning on redoing the table just like it is now with (2) 3/4 birch panels for the base, one 3/4 mdf panel for plenum and one 3/4 panel trupan for spoilboard.

i plan to make a new plenum before tearing it all apart so it is ready to go and while the machine is still currently capable of cutting it. shopbot folks tell me they usually have base and plenum wood installed before cutting the plenum - would it be better to do this way instead?

also looks like my vac holes dont line up with their drawing so i may have to redo some plumbing or take some very careful measurements to adjust the file to match mine.