First off I have a Standard Buddy 32 and I’ve had it about 3 weeks. I’ve figured out I don’t like screwing everything down or using tabs, so I’m going to make a vacuum hold down system. I’ve figured out my plenum size, cut files and how to hook it up to a vacuum motor by using a second sheet under the plenum with a vacuum channel.

Now before I make this whole thing I have a few questions.

I thought of this instead of using T track and I’m wondering if any one has tried this before? If so, how does/did it work?

Will this be a problem for maintaining a vacuum seal?

Gary, what do you use for the perimeter gasket? Do I need one?

Or should I just use T track?


Drill holes all the way through the plenum on every third square. Counter sink the bottom of each hole to accommodate a t-nut. Glue the plenum down to the middle sheet and then to the table top. This will allow hold down all the way across the plenum and easy squaring of your work using dowels placed in acrylic or wood blocks. Now I know you shouldn’t need hold down spots with vacuum, but if you drill matching holes in a secondary spoil board you have hold down across you entire spoil board if I don't use vacuum.