Glued and clamped the mdf today with wood glue. Clamped the heck out of the outer perimeter then I drilled and countersunk holes in the middle and ran screws to pull the top sheet down. I'll remove them tomorrow and fill them in. My plan is to surface the table tomorrow and cut channels for my t tracks. I do have a fein 3 vac that will someday act as my vac hold down. My main concern is getting this thing up and running this school year. My students are on my sh*t to get it going. I am going to use the 50/50 wood glue water mix with multiple thin coats to seal the MDF after surfacing. Is this going to mess with the thickness of the surface that much that I should opt to so something else? I figured that the MDF would soak it up a great deal and I am not too worried.......Or should I be?