
I'm not sure what else to say other than I've only got about 3 months experience so far (maybe less), and I'm trying to get a better woodgrain effect on my HDU carved signage.

Currently my woodgrain is something to this effect:

The only other woodgrain I've made is the same, but more wavey.

I'm just operating out of V-carve Pro. I've spent a little time searching but I really didn't come across much in the way of people actually doing what I'm doing.

My basic technique is to use a 1/8" ball nose, offset everything by .07 (a little more than half the blade with), and lay in the "Vector Texture" effect.

These are my current settings, they tweak occasionally but this is basically what I use:

I'm open to any comments, suggestions, or quality of life tips you may have. If you see anything wrong in my texutre by all means, pick it apart!
