I've been using RBTools compression bits for several years. I went from getting 20 sheets of 3/4" plywood to 25 sheets before I had to change bits. I also went from 5IPS to 6IPS with the same cut quality. The tool seems to last longer then others I've tried (Onsrud, Centurian, Whiteside, Amana). The cut quality is VERY good over the course of 25 sheets. After that, it starts to degrade a little. I donate my "duller" bits to the local highschool woodshop for two reasons, one, the kids are very hard on these bits and drop them on the concrete floor and slam them into screws and nails. Two, at the rate they butcher bits, giving them my used bits saves them a LOT of money. I do the same with 1/4" two-flute down cut spiral bits. I use lots of these bits too.