Every computer I’ve tried says comm port 3 is not functioning.tried multiple USB ports.

And shows input #4 red even when machine isn’t turned off.

Quote Originally Posted by MogulTx View Post
OK. The reason I asked the questions about where the USB is plugged in (Hub or port on machine) is that some machines have issues with a constant connection through a USB port. it is something about their port management software... The reason I asked if it is a Dell, is because I have had particular issues with the ports. ( I LOVE Dell. But Not the USB port issues...) I recommend using a powered USB HUB because ShopBot recommends it. I actually went away from my standard USB ports on my machine, and use a set that are run through a card I added to the machine (AND a powered HUB). It solved my communications issues.

Yes. Check the E Stop. Yes, try another computer if you have one available. It is not likely to be the controller board... and a call to SHopBot is probably recommended to get you going again...