Bruce & Mike,

I think what you have done to help fellow Shopbotters is great. I don't think that you should let your project become stagnate. I think that it would be great for Shopbot to include something like this but personally I would rather that a indivual as yourself continue working on the software and adding new features as you see fit as well as input from others.

I think that the both of you should be compensated for your work, I just hope that you will try and keep it resonable and not like other software that I have purchased in the past. Most people are probally using the program to just make doors for hobby work and I'm sure that it would be hard to justify a major software purchase.

It takes a lot of work to do things like this along with your regular work. Also charging a software fee would probally give you both greater desire to work on the software to add features and improve it. Send me your address or if you have a paypal account I will send you a donation.

Thanks, and I just cut out my first job this past weekend and didn't have a glitch, everything machined as planned. I do have a few questions about using different cutters and I will email you with the details when I get a chance.
