View Full Version : Supplier of Frisket Mask

03-29-2010, 03:20 PM
When I was at the training camp in Austin TX there was some talk about Frisket Masking - Vinyl roll 15" x 50'. The supplier for this was Regal Plastic. I talked with them out of San Antonio they said they have never heard of it. Does anyone know where I can get it?

Thank you
John (Tim)

03-30-2010, 07:51 AM

The term "Friskit" is a common tern used by aribrush artist. It's a thin paper with a light tack and easily cut with Exacto type blades. It's available at commercial art supplies. I've never heard a brand name but they will know what you're after.

What are you using it for?

Joe Crumley
www.normansignco.com (http://www.normansignco.com)

03-30-2010, 12:42 PM
Here is a link on Amazon...


Bill :)

04-15-2010, 10:57 AM
Guys i am a solid rookie here. I have ruined two signs because my paint was bleeding through the wood. I am assuming that this stuff adheres to the board before you route and then becomes a masking for painting the letters without leaving any bleed over. Is this correct.

I have seen other suggestions such as the rubber cement and shelf paper and like them all but this link on amazon looks good as long as it works the way i described above.

04-15-2010, 11:44 AM
Rick -

I'm a newbie as well and can't vouch for it. I just happened to notice Amazon had it on their site. I'll let the seasoned vets chime in...


04-15-2010, 05:57 PM

Do a search for Gerber Mask II for more info.

Basically, prefinish your board with paint or polyurethane. Apply mask ( I like gerber Mask II for smooth surfaces), carve through the mask (use vbit first, then area clear with endmill if needed - note not all vbits cut mask cleanly - I like hersaf v bits. If you are not using a vbit - use a downcut endmill so mask cuts cleanly.) Once carved, paint the carved areas with background color of paint if painted background or coat a couple times with shellac if finished wood to prevent the paint bleeding into the wood pores or any loose spots in the masking, then paint carved areas with final color. You can peel mask when paint is still a little tacky or wait till really dry, sand edges lightly with very fine sandpaper, then peel mask.

This method does not work for rough surfaces - see Dr Crumleys Snake oil mask for those.