View Full Version : Still around...

11-03-2010, 10:48 AM
I know I've been quiet, but we've been busy not just with bat houses but a major change in our lives. If it all works out I'll have some good news to share, we won't know until around Thanksgiving.

In the meantime I will be reading the forums regularly even if I'm not posting.

Hope everyone is doing well.


11-03-2010, 11:00 AM
Would that be hope and change or something we can believe in?

11-03-2010, 11:49 AM
God speed to you!

I hope that it turns out as wonderful as you hope..

I had some good news and some bad news last week...

The bad news is that I was laid off and the better news is that I was laid off.

I hated my job every day because of the schizophrenic management team. They believe that shipping software first before fully testing was a good thing to do...

Their product is two years behind the competition, the quality improved during my time but are now in financial trouble and will save the company
reducing expenses!

SO now that I am out of work, and have the support of my family, I can
really decide what I want to do "when I grow up".

The irony of it all is that my youngest son graduated from college in May, started his "dream job" last Monday, has his own health insurance...

Life is somewhat back in my control!

I thank God for my life, bumps and all!

11-03-2010, 11:57 AM
What, like a baby? No wait, that's me... We have #5 coming in March... bit of a surprise, not the best time in the history of the planet to be having no babies, but welcome news nonetheless...

11-03-2010, 12:16 PM
Good luck with it Rob-we'll be waiting to hear.

Bob-Sounds like you are free of the "pointy haired boss"! When that happened to me I ended up being pushed into my own plant by clients wanting to contue working with me. We are now in our 4th year and have been growing every year despite the economy. Never thought I would be doing something like this at this stage of my life. Just make lemonade!

Rob-Congrats on your new blessing.

11-03-2010, 01:39 PM
I completely appreciate the feelings of being laid off. For me I imagined it felt like getting out of prison after 10 years... then realizing you are getting out of prison after 10 years... now what are you going to do? :eek:

Nothing as big as a new baby, esp. not number 5!!!!!!


11-04-2010, 05:54 PM
Rob - Thought I should report that your bat house has been installed and looks great.

We had fun finding an ideal location and followed your directions exactly - correct amount of sun, height, etc. The bats should be very happy.

11-04-2010, 09:19 PM
Bob, It felt like prison, huh? Not quite I was the one in prison. When I retired as soon as possible, age 50, I was the happiest I had ever been. I know how a person must feel being in prison. Best thing that happened to me was get older!!! I never have looked back. Wish the best to you and all works out but I do know that it seems at the time a hardship.

11-05-2010, 03:20 AM

I have to say that i CANNOT relate to any of you guys. The reason is I have have NEVER worked for anyone other then myself since i was 18 yrs old.
Rather then go thru the whole resume' I can tell you some of the downside of working for yourself, I hadn't gone on a vacation for over 20 years because employees (then and now) aren't reliable and you are always the one who has to pick up the slack.
Many years i would have to work 7 days a week (I wasn't digging ditches so i can't complain).
But what I earned was MINE, I paid no union dues or had to listen to **** from anyone and I succeeded or failed on my own merit.

I STILL don't know what i want to do when i grow up! The nice thing about a shopbot is you can use it to make craft fair items or large hollywood displays and you can make as much or as little as you like (not withstanding the economy).

Harry is a prime example here, it seems he only has time to crank out bat houses but he's busy all the time. Me on the other hand, it is used to embellish houses i buy and rent but my main purpose is to create cool science fair projects with the grandkids like the volcano.:D

11-05-2010, 08:37 AM

I would not say prison because that is complete control of a person. This removes freedom to see people, seek advice, and removal of daily family love.

I would say "controlling" during the work period and "worrisome" during the off hours.

The shopbot is busy, but not busy enough but now will grow over time on the off hours so that is a long term plan.

Lots of folks are willing to help which is great!

Have a great day!

11-05-2010, 10:55 AM
I had always worked for myself until 2000. Being on call 24/7, not being able to go see a movie, visit friends without driving 2 cars. I had one vacation, every other trip was suspect. I once had to drive 120 miles one way early Saturday morning while on a long weekend with the family. I pushed one button and drove back. I was traveling on someone else's whim, I planned a short Saturday trip with the family one weekend and we ended up in Miami with me working. Well it did seem like prison. I didn't realize how bad until I got my walking papers. I was surprised that part of me felt so relieved.

Having devoted so much time and energy and misplaced loyalty into someone elses business... I had no alternate plans. That place haunts me to this day. Everything I do now has a contingency plan. I'll never devote that much time and loyalty again to something I have no stake in. A job is a job, I'll do my best but at the end of the day I know I can be walking on someone elses whim. No matter how loyal, devoted, hard working and generously paid it's not mine and I won't be treated like it is. Not that is evil or bad... but I can't be caught like that again.

It was a happy dark time.