View Full Version : Buddy and Indexer

12-22-2010, 01:02 PM
Anyone's time is appreciated.
I'm thinking of buying the Indexer for my BT48 w 12"Z
1. If I mount on the Power Stick, what's my max turning diameter?
2. Assuming I did a 2d cut out first, if a wanted to shape a "non-turning" (a bow or "S" for instance), would the Y axis work too?
3. If so, instead of it being approached as just a typical 3d ballnose carving, how would I program it to cut on the side of the bit in long passes? ... as if to produce a helix.
Enough info? Or, confusing...

12-22-2010, 01:22 PM
Denis- I have a BT-32 early model and an SB indexer.

As to your second question, all 4 axes are coordinated, so you can use the indexer and xyz to drill holes off axis for instance, roll the piece over then do it again at 90 or 180 degrees, or whatever your design needs. You lose nothing of your current capabilities by adding the indexer.

About half the time I take the indexer off the powerstick and mount it to the bandsaw for odd projects like (threading with the indexer):

My latest project is winding coils using the indexer! Turn an exact number of turns.. in the future I plan to use the table to move the spool of wire back and forth to control the evenness of the windings. Haven't done that yet tho.

I keep finding my indexer is handy for so many more things than being just a simple rotary axis for the router. Its a programmable rotation, and that has opened up applications I didn't originally imagine.

Well I suppose its like the ShopBot itself. They ask "what do you want to make today?".. should be "You wont believe what you will dream up tomorrow!". (Ted I want a commission on the new slogan!)

I dont know in your configuration how much free swing you can get between the centerline of your indexer and the tip of any given bit. Tech support might be able to help you on that, knowing more about your configuration.

Buying my indexer was almost as good an idea as buying the bot. Never regretted either one, just wish I had started sooner.

Good luck!


12-22-2010, 01:26 PM
Addendum- on your third question on side cutting- there are several other threads/posts on that subject. Just search for them, it works very well.

There is no requirement that cuts be rotary with a creeping linear axis. They can go either way, or be helix. Its fully programmable if you know what you are doing.

For getting started, buy Aspire. It handles most of the options with very little effort.

Enough said.


12-22-2010, 02:01 PM
thnx, and further, have you used a digitizing probe to copy a carving on the indexer?