View Full Version : Index of tools by cut type

05-31-2011, 09:31 PM
So everyone knows I'm a newbie so please forgive me:D Is there a chart or index someplace that specifies which type of tool is best suited to which type of cut - especially for 3D work. 2D work is pretty straightforward so far - but which type of tool is best to use for particular 3D effects is mystifying to me so far.

05-31-2011, 10:09 PM
3D is just about always a ballnose with many preferring tapered ballnose bits. A couple common sources for shopbotters are:



Also get a copy of the Onsrud Catalog, you can learn quite a bit just looking through it.

05-31-2011, 10:10 PM
Well there are only so many type tools out there. It does depend on what you are working on.

For lithpanes i usually use a 1/8th" ballnose bit. Others use vbits

For 2.5D or 3D carving I use ballnose bits depending on the overall size of the project. Usually .25" oe .125" ballnose bits.

You may use endmills first for your rough cuts, or larger ballnose bits.

The best thing to do is when you have a specific project you want to do is ask about that and then for that type of file you'll then know. :)

Don't be afraid to ask...:D