View Full Version : Carbide Tooling

06-05-2011, 09:01 AM
Just a heads up for everyone.
Like everything else carbide took a big jump in price, you will find all the tool manufacturers will be increasing their prices over the next few weeks, so if you want to save some bucks you might order some spares from your suppliers before the increase.
The increase of each manufacturer's tools will depend on their buying power but you can expect from 3% to 36% across the board on tools is what we are hearing.

We will increase the Onsrud tooling as it goes into effect the 18th of June, however we are going to try and maintain the current pricing for our BDP tooling

Edit: Well I'm afraid we won't be able to hold the current pricing on our BDP Tools, they also will be hit by the carbide increase http://www.signtalkforum.com/phpBB3/images/smilies/hurted.gif
They will be updated shortly after we get thru doing the Onsrud tooling increase

07-18-2011, 04:29 PM
I supply carbide inserts the UK and it's the same story, had one supplier raise prices by 17% at the start of the month, and today other by up to 35% depending on the item.

Our main supplier is only holding prices for goods in stock and they will be adjusting their prices based on the current price of raw materials at the end of the month, we are expecting 5%-25% depending on the item.