View Full Version : Bunk Bed CNC pattern?

06-13-2011, 11:55 AM
I'm needing bunk beds for my children and got pretty disgusted at the quality of what I saw in a furniture store. Does anyone have a pattern for CNC cut bunk beds from baltic birch, etc? Maybe I need to take the time to build instead of buy.

I would be especially interested in a design that includes pull-out drawers for clothing storage.

Thanks to anyone who can point me in the right direction here.


06-13-2011, 12:01 PM
well here is a start...

06-13-2011, 08:46 PM
Thanks Gene, that's a good starting point. I'm hoping for patterns scaled for regular twin size mattresses. Maybe I'll have to take some ideas like yours here and go to work in Aspire.


06-13-2011, 10:55 PM
Gene unless Geralds kids are 4" tall i don't think those plans will work!:rolleyes:

Gerald are you looking for something that stacks on top of each other and comes apart or a solid beam from top to bottom?

This is the perfect time to make the thing yourself. Go do a google search for bunk beds or bed designs for that matter and start drawing up your own plans. There are probably tons out there.

"free bunkbed plans" plywood plans
http://www.pdflibrary.info/download/ebook/MATERIALS%20LIST/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5jYW5wbHkub3JnL3BkZi9tYWluL3BseXBsYW 5zL3BseXdvb2RwbGFuc19idW5rYmVkLnBkZg
bed with storage

google is your friend:D

If you need help just email me