View Full Version : First Project...

06-13-2011, 02:47 PM
Hi Everyone,
I recently got a used shopbot, and for the last few weeks I've been learning to use it. (and replacing some horrible wiring done by the original owners!)

It doesn't seem to take long for word to get out that you have a shopbot, and it didn't take long to have a project requested.

So, for my first project (other than things cut to just learn how it works... which accounts for a bunch.) I made 22 simple tool boxes to be used as an elementary school's fathers day craft.

Everything fits together with slots and grooves, no glue, no nails. Just a couple of screws (which turned out to be unecessary because it fits together so well)

I've definatly spent my time lurking through and reading all the helpul information on these forums, so thanks for the advice you didn't even know you gave me!

06-13-2011, 08:28 PM
First welcome, second neat first project. I enjoy doing the design work and watching the machine cut out all of those parts, but then the time comes to put all those parts together! :)


06-13-2011, 09:44 PM
Very nice project, Aron! Thank you for sharing the pics and story behind the project!

06-13-2011, 11:42 PM
&*&^%%!! I hate it when newbies do such great work on their first projects!! Just kidding. Congratulations on getting up to speed so quickly.

06-14-2011, 02:57 AM
Thanks guys for the feedback, as I said before I did a look of lurking on the forums to get good information, the forums are a big help.

I hope to contribute more cool things soon, hopefully get into some 3d stuff.

06-14-2011, 08:47 AM
Great project! My brother in law lives on a farm community for Autistic adults and I have been kicking around making some "kits" of a similar toolbox with each resident name cut into the side. Nailing and most gluing is out of the question for many of the residents - but turning some screws and painting fits their skill set. If I may ask how did you secure the handles?

06-14-2011, 08:33 PM
The school is for kids with severe learning dissabilities, including some with autism. So simplicity was a must when I designed these. The screws, for example aren't structural at all.. they just hold the ends in. The rest is all held together with tongue and grooves and the tabs.

For the dowels, all I did was pocket out a hole that onle goes half way through the material. The dowels fit in the holes on the end, and cannot fall apart.