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View Full Version : Machine locked up and now has issues

09-01-2011, 12:56 AM
I was running a file this evening for my son- peck drilling a few hundred 1/2" holes for breather holes in a new brooder box. All of a sudden the machine stopped moving. it was frozen in place moving from on hole to the next. I let it run for a few minutes - trying to let it clear its memory and go on. No such luck. Now when I try to run it using an FG command it does not allow me to run it.

I get two errors: One indicates that the "command is not supported" and the other is "run time error 9"

I am going to go do some research on these- but if you guys can tell me what might be my issue, it would be very much appreciated. I will also send Frank an email with a couple of pictures. This will probably all make sense to him right away...

Thanks in advance.

09-01-2011, 06:26 PM
For those who might be interested: Frank had a response to me before 8AM central. I am still working but will go home shortly and will try his first (and maybe second) choice for a fix-and see if she will behave for me tonight.

Frank: Thanks. I DO appreciate you, and ShopBot - and all these folks who chime in to help and offer fellowship if they can't help.

I am much obliged.
