View Full Version : need some offline advice

05-29-2012, 08:52 AM
Hello all,

I landed a job making a fully laminated reception desk for one of the casinos in Michigan and am hoping to get some advice from one of the many experienced cabinet makers on this forum. This job requires that all surfaces be laminated with a specific Formica wood grained product (which is pretty expensive) and Euro style doors, and would really like to complete this project without too many mistakes. I would really appreciate it if somebody would be willing to give me some guidance in regard to construction and and proper application of the laminate. Completing this project successfully (hopefully leading to more commercial work) will be a big step towards moving my business out of my garage and into a leased shop.

If anybody could spare a few minutes, please send me a PM here or email me at gibraltarac@gmail.com


05-29-2012, 12:27 PM
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