View Full Version : A calligraphy holder for $10 or less

12-14-2012, 04:40 AM
I have capability for computer engraving calligraphy for many years, with a pen holder professionally made, I did not use it that much because I have a vinyl cutter plotter, that I can make banner and poster with it, but you need precision, like filling in names in certificates, then it came handy.
Since I bought my Desk Top machine, I wanted to make some can of holder for calligraphy, I made an attachement for the spindler, with scrap pieces and worked well, then I realized that I had an spare pen holder from my old engraving machine and it worked very well, and doubled as a diamond holder.
You can draw your work on paper to see how it looks before you cut it
Watch this video and find out how:
Also made another vidio about modifications for the Desk Top that you might find interesting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjCBwrwi1y8
I you have any questions, you can contact me at Rolando73@verizon.net :)

12-14-2012, 09:46 AM
Rolando- well done! I like the use of the dust collector mount to hold the pen instead of the collet. That is a much better system.

Your use of three screws to keep the pen centered in the tube is also simple and elegant. I have thought about ways to use the bot as a HPGL plotter for drawings, but not gotten past the dreaming stage. Your pen holder is the needed improvement.

The next thing I need to do is write a windows printer driver that outputs SB3 plot commands for a "plotter" printer driver. That would be an interesting project all its own.


12-19-2012, 09:31 PM
Great idea Rolando! I hope to use this to draw paper layouts so I can work around flaws in wood. If I can draw the designs on paper mounted on my machine, I can identify where to put the knots or cracks and use great-looking lumber that might otherwise end up in the wood stove! Even something as simple as a Sharpie would be adequate for my use...
