View Full Version : PartWorks 3D software update

03-24-2013, 10:56 AM
I have been trying to troubleshoot some issues I have been having with PartWorks 3D and I was wondering if anyone knew how to do a software update on it. (I have version: 1.002)

I know the regular PartWorks has a "check for update" in the help menu, however, PartWorks 3D does not have this feature.

Thank you for your help

Brady Watson
03-24-2013, 11:25 AM
I am pretty sure that version is the latest. What sort of issue are you having?


03-24-2013, 12:33 PM
I am having an issue with some 3D models with either straight edges or smooth curved edges getting notches. Even if I turn the step-over distance to something really tiny it still happens. Even the cutout path is really rough (see attached screenshot).

Thank you for the help.

Brady Watson
03-24-2013, 12:55 PM
Well...I'm not sure how to remedy that, other than to do the following:

Calculate your toolpaths and save the PW3D file. Close it. Open up PartWorks 2D & then import the PW3D file you saved. Put it where you want it, and then trace out the perimeter with a new vector to define your profile vector. Then use the profile toolpath in PW2D to do the cut out.

Tracing out isn't as bad as it may seem...Rough it out with straight vectors, then go back & add nodes as needed & bezier curves to get a nice wrap. Node editing is where all the drawing power is in this program.


03-24-2013, 01:17 PM
I have tried something similar to that by using the "fit vectors to bitmap" command in PartWorks, however, that only works for the outside edge and not shapes like mine with an inside cutout as well. As for creating them "freehand" by placing straight vectors and bezier curves I will end up getting inconsistent edges.

If I cant get this to work my only other option I see is to go back to Rhino and generate 2D curves for the cutout tool paths. I would then need to align the 2D curves from Rhino with the 3D tool paths from PartWorks 3D in Partworks and hope I can get them to line up correctly.

Brady Watson
03-24-2013, 01:48 PM
Post up or email your file (WinRAR or WinZIP @ Max compression 1st). It won't take more than a few minutes to trace out your relief by hand - which is what I was alluding to. PW3D basically projects the outside edge of your 3D part down, and offsets that to do the 2D profile pass in PW3D. If the 3D part has a low triangle count, you are going to get some jagged deviations along the cutting path. There isn't much you can do about that unless you increase triangle count when you export the 3D, or pull it into PW2D and trace it out. Bitmap to Vector will result in complete junk no matter what program you use. I prefer to trace out by hand as it results in the highest quality vector with the least number of nodes.
