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View Full Version : Parameter Value Warning

05-28-2013, 05:36 PM
I was about to cut a 3d file from Vectric and I get a warning:
Parameter Value Below Range for VS - lower limit set to .05?
I'm Lost

What is VS?
Where is it set etc.
Is it a tool value, a cut value...?
Thanks In advance

05-28-2013, 06:38 PM

When you generated your toolpath (in PartWorks, VCP, or Aspire), you may not have set the proper or desired speed for feedrate and/or plunge rate for the chosen tool. If it's too low, SB3 will default to the value of 0.05. Each of these programs should also adjust for setting in/min instead of in/sec, but something like Cut3D or VectorArt 3D machinist may not and that can cause it also.

Value Speed

05-28-2013, 06:38 PM
VS = Values for Speeds
Look at what you set up on the feed rate for the bits. It sounds like one of them was set lower than 0.05 inches per second.

If you look at your toolpath file with the Shopbot editor or notepad look for a line that starts with MS. That is the move speed. For example, if you see a line: MS,1.66,0.50
it means an XY move speed of 1.66 IPS and a Z plunge rate of 0.5 IPS.

05-28-2013, 07:03 PM
Thank you, thank you one wise ones.

Bob Eustace
05-28-2013, 08:50 PM
Gary every time we have got this it was because instead of setting inches per second some how we clicked inches per minute. Easy to do if someone else does your files.