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View Full Version : XY AutoSetup Routine Question

05-28-2013, 10:40 PM
This must be the day for the XY Routine questions. :)

I have a PRTAlpha and I'm trying to modify the set_prox.sbp file for some new prox switches like the PRS uses. I go into the file and make my changes to the Check_Switch_Status section. I save the file then exit the file then go back in to make sure the change are there and they are. I run Tools/Shopbot Setup and select the "Make it easy on me", it hits the limit switch and errors out. I go back and look at the setup_prox.sbp and it defaults back to the old settings. Does anybody know if it is copying the file from another location and copying it over each time. I can't figure out were the file may be getting copied from.

I modified the XYzero.sbp and the change work great. The XY zero like they should.

Andy B.

05-29-2013, 05:30 AM
did you change the values of input switches.

05-29-2013, 07:24 AM
Yes they were changed. The modifications in the XYzero works with no problems. It's only when I use the Shopbot Setup, it calls the setup_prox.sbp. The values in the setup_prox.sbp are getting set back to the default everytime I run the setup.

Andy B.

05-29-2013, 10:36 AM
Choose I like to do it the hard way and input your distances in the boxes