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View Full Version : Limit problem

11-18-2006, 07:45 PM
I have an old cable drive system and the Win 98 based computer went out on it. After replacing the computer and re-loading v 2.38 there are a couple (at least) new developments:

When doing a 0,0 homing command (it's [C3] on my GUI) it lines up right on the edge of the X axis spoil board, but is about 1-1/2" off of my spoil board on the Y axis. There is a comment at the bottom of the screen: "Hit any key for Arrow Keys to move tool off Limit".

I have tried both re-calibrating the X and Y axes as well as doing the re-zeroing commands. But after placing the tool where I want 0,0 to be and doing the homing command again it goes right back to being off the spoil board again.

Secondly, I noticed that the encoders were off. After I turned them on, the system seems to have added a different sound (which I am sure has to do with the different speed of the moving parts) and a gradual increase in speed when it is beginning the move, the original sound during the actual move, and the new sound again and a gradual decrease when ending each move when I either do manual moves or the ShopBot logo (tool off of the board for now until I figure out problem number !). It definitely slows things down. Is this typical for having the encoders on ?

I only made a few things before the first computer went down. It didn't have the "new sound", accelerate/decelerate thing before - so I am assuming that the encoders were not on back then. The accuracy was fine for the couple of 2-D things I made. Is the encoder really that necessary and will I see more of a need for the encoders when I turn to 3-D cutting ?

Thoughts ?

11-19-2006, 04:34 PM
Ok... I think I solved it.

I was able to pull the old s_home.sbp file off of my old computer and put it on my new one. Now when I run my custom [C3] file, which is telling it to find the x=0, y=0 spot, it goes where it used to go.

..there's no place like home...there's no place like home .... there's no place like home

Yes, I am delirious !