View Full Version : Finished table, brought it home!

11-15-2005, 11:24 PM
Hello All -

Well, we've done it! We switched to "plan b" and brought the table home from my FIL's - a slow, bumpy ride on a tractor but it's HERE!

After we turned the table right side up and finished painting it, we rolled it into the garage for set up. We haven't yet drilled holes for the X rails, but will start with all of the ass'y tomorrow.

Our neighbor is an old blacksmith/metal guy - in his 90s... Looks and moves around 25+ years younger - we saw him when we were coming in, and I told Rose when we saw him looking at the table that this would likely be his quickest trip around the corner in 30 years. I was right - he was over here like white on rice wanting to "check in" and see what's going on. Rose showed him a sample of a relief carved sign and he was impressed, and wanted to come back over after the 'bot was up and running. Bless the ol' guy... also a young boy, about 7 was just standing at the periphery as we were flipping the table over and all. He peppered Rose with questions after I took off to spot the tractor for the trip back.

We set the table up in the garage and I have taken the first crack at levelling. I have 3/4 all thread adjustable feet going into 2x3" 1/4 plates for the actual foot - this rests on a chunk of cut out mud flap. It didn't look like it compressed much, or that it would - do you all think this stuff might settle to a detrimental point?

Anyway, after I got the table level, we checked for square and it is out 3/32 to 7/32 depending on how hard I pull on the tape. We are measuring the inside diagonals as I have rounded off the outside corners and am sure that they aren't equidistant. The table is 76 1/2 x 120" and was made up of slightly beefier stock than Wayne Locke's plans called for. Sighting down the rails, board bed and lathe bed, everything looks flat, true and straight. I know that extra attention pays off in setting up, so I'm wondering what y'all think about being a fat 1/8" out. I haven't sighted across the rails yet, but they were coplanar when we built it and I have +/- 1.5 inches height adjustment on each leg.

We are just itching to get on with the rest of the assembly.... Whoooo hooooooo!

John Moorhead

11-16-2005, 12:43 AM
The fact that the table is out of square by about 1/8" is irrelevant.
You can correct this when attaching the x rails
Just need to get them as square as possible.
I took half a day adjusting my x rails to as near spot on as I could get them.
It helps when setting up to have the table level, but once set, if you develop a slight lean, it doesn't affect cutting, as long as everything stays square.
Carry on the good work, those first cuts are getting ever closer


11-16-2005, 01:59 AM
Even the x-rails don't have to be square to each other. Spend more time fiddling with getting them straight and parallel to each other. Make sure sure the gantry's rollers seat properly all along the length. Right at the end, you can adjust the end-stops (clamped to the gear racks) for square.