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View Full Version : cutting a wave shape in the z axis along x axis?

08-30-2014, 05:13 PM
HI Guys and Gals
I would like to know if this is possible please.
I would like to cut along a straight line in the x axis with the z axis following a wave shape in the z axis. I've done something similar in partworks 3d, but this takes around a thousand years. Can i get my shop bot to run along the x axis following a wave shape without making a 3d file?
I am using partworks and i know that it is possible to ramp in and out of lines but i would like a continuous line. Any help greatly appreciated.
would also like to upload a picture of what i mean but it's asking for a URL?

08-30-2014, 05:22 PM
You could create the wave you want on the Y axis, output the file then manually edit the .sbp files changing the y moves to z moves.


08-30-2014, 05:31 PM
You could do it with a fluting toolpath in the later versions of VCarve/Partworks and I seem to remember a ShopBot labs program that would swap X/Y/Z values as suggested above.

08-30-2014, 09:47 PM
Try http://paulrowntree.weebly.com . The standing wave is a gadget that makes wave shapes. It's pretty cool!

08-30-2014, 10:30 PM
There is a gadget for VCP that should do what you want if I understand what you want.
Called "Flute Plus"
Do a search over at the vetric forum and you will find a link.

Bob Eustace
08-31-2014, 12:19 AM
This could solve your problem Sid.


08-31-2014, 08:16 AM
Hey Sid...there's a utility included in the ShopBot install that may do what you want. It's called the "Flipper" and is installed by default in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\ShopBot\Virtual Tools\Extruder" folder. It takes a profile drawn flat in VCarve or Partworks and basically flips it on edge, so that X or Y axis moves become Z-axis moves.

If you want to do a surface with waves instead of just a single pass, the "Extruder" might do what you want. It's available in the Tools menu in the ShopBot software.


08-31-2014, 09:34 AM
Also depending on the shape you need, a lot can be done with just the standard fluting toolpath. All this junk is done with a .5" Ballnose.
Next to the smiley face on top row is the paperclip with an arrow, then browse for your pic after making sure it's say a .jpg of 900X600.

09-02-2014, 04:20 PM
Hello everybody,
Thanks for your input, gadgets seemed like something quite interesting but this meant i had to upgrade to latest version of v carve pro ( thanks to Diane at Shopbot - new version installed).
I will try all the methods and see what one works best.
Thanks again