View Full Version : microvellum

Kyle Stapleton
09-18-2014, 09:22 AM
Anyone use Microvellum?

Brady Watson
09-18-2014, 10:34 AM
I'm pretty sure you need AutoCAD as a foundation for it & I don't know if there is educational pricing on it...it's out of reach for most smaller shops. Your best bet would be to contact their sales dept and inquire.


Kyle Stapleton
09-18-2014, 11:15 AM
I signed up for a software grant from them a few weeks/months ago and found out that I got it, so I guess I will be learning a new software.:)
Just wondering if any one has used it and if it is easy to pick up.


09-18-2014, 11:20 AM
From what I've read, it's incredibly powerful, but also comes with an incredibly steep learning curve. Probably the most difficult cabinet software to learn, if you really want to learn it well.
People either really like it, or find it too difficult to use.

09-18-2014, 04:07 PM
Congrats Kyle-I would love a license for that. It is an incredible cabinet producing program and, yes, it does work within Autocad. When setting it up, which is a tough learning curve, you can start with a predetermined library of cabinet syles and modify it for your materials, construction system, etc. Make SURE you save the changes into a new library. A Microvellum newbie working for a company I was connected with didn't and made so many mistakes at first that the library ended up virtually unuseable.

09-18-2014, 04:31 PM
The one trade show company I worked for did their display and I tried to get a copy of it. I saw that it had a really steep learning curve. just got a smal demo of it.