View Full Version : Aspire on the desk top

10-26-2014, 11:04 AM
Hi Newbie here,
I am trying to use aspire on my desk top and when clicking to cut file I get a "Parameter Value Error" if I click OK to cut anyway, the X and Y moves are VERY slow.
I tried changing Post Processors from ShopBot TC (inch) to ShopBot (arcs) (inch)(w/speed)(*.sbp) and still the same.
But here is a queer thing, some of the files seem to cut OK, X Y Z speeds are fine, then I try another cut file for the same job and the error pops up ?
This is my first time post, so this may not work ?

Kyle Stapleton
10-26-2014, 11:17 AM
check your feed rates, I've had this happen with putting in a very slow feed by mistake.
ex: 4 ipm and not 4ips.

10-26-2014, 12:05 PM
Check the Tool Database for the tool used in the funky toolpath and look at the feedrates of that tool. I've accidentally adjusted a few times to say .003 IPS instead of .3 in an individual tool. If it works fine for one tool and not another, that's probably the culprit.

10-26-2014, 01:54 PM
You were both correct, some of my tool speeds were in inches and I changed them all to seconds. This is my first attempt with Aspire and I used their tool data base so that is where that problem came from.
However, still on some tool paths on the same project I get a pop up window
(Parameter Error)
"Parameter Value Below Range For VS
Setting to lower limit"
OK or Cancel
If I click OK it will continue to cut but steppers are VERY slow.
I checked my Value Speed settings, XY at 3 and Z at 3.

If either of you guys have a Desk top ? what post processor are you using with Aspire ?
I still think that may be the problem.
Anyway, thank you both for the response, much appreciated.

10-26-2014, 04:01 PM
If you open that part file in a text editor (sbedit), and scroll down a little, you'll see a line that starts with MS and then has the xy feedrate followed by the z feedrate (if you grouped toolpaths, there will be more further down) and if either of those numbers are below the lower limit for the desktops feedrate settings, you'll get that error. You can change the value there and save the file, but this means that one or more of the tools in your tool database still has too low of a setting or you may have overridden the database value with the edit button in the toolpath form.

Checking VS after a file has run will always show the feedrate that has been set in the console screen. A file will change the feedrate as set in the file, but when finished, they revert back to those set in the console. So, until you edit the file or edit the tool database and regenerate the file, you'll continue to get the error.

10-26-2014, 06:20 PM
David, No Aspire --Just VCP straight from factory with only 2 options --Inch or metric.
ShopBot TC (Inch)(*sbp)

10-28-2014, 09:59 AM
Thanks to those who helped, including Frank from ShopBot tech.
I spent two days trying to solve this on my own, I learn better that way.
Aspire sure is a powerful software, only had it for a week and have no way even close to scratching the surface.
Thanks again for your support.