View Full Version : Help with a glue up

04-22-2015, 04:55 PM
Hi All,

This is going to my first venture into this but can anyone give me advice and appropriate adhesives used to glue Pionite laminate to PVC substrate? Also, would I need a backer laminate for the PVC? If so, what would be a good material for a backer?

Application is lettering for inside sign work.


04-22-2015, 07:33 PM
We use contact adhesive like weld on

04-22-2015, 07:37 PM
Thanks Jerry. Do you know if regular solvent based contact cement would work or would that melt the PVC? Is a balance laminate required for PVC?

Brady Watson
04-22-2015, 09:25 PM
You are probably going to have better results with contact cement that anything that Weld-On sells for PVC. Been there done that & it didn't work...contact cement did. $500+/case lesson learned.


04-23-2015, 02:44 PM
Thanks Brady.

Does PVC need a balancing laminate like other substrates?

04-23-2015, 02:54 PM
You are probably going to have better results with contact cement that anything that Weld-On sells for PVC. Been there done that & it didn't work...contact cement did. $500+/case lesson learned.


Weld on makes a contact adhesive for laminates. We use it in the field where we don't have the spray setup.

Brady Watson
04-23-2015, 05:18 PM
Thanks Brady.

Does PVC need a balancing laminate like other substrates?

In my experience, yes. Otherwise it bows it pretty good & then the lamination fails - if using the lamination outside.

For inside applications - no problem. I've used regular old contact cement for PVC to PVC (customer wanted colored v-carved 1/4" Komatex with .040 white face)


04-23-2015, 06:47 PM
This is an inside application.

My customer wants 1/2" PVC with a Pionite laminate and the edges of the PVC painted to match the laminate. PVC manufacturer said to use 100% acrylic paint. Ace H/W has it. Fun, fun..... Small project, but pays pretty good.