View Full Version : Fully enclosing a buddy

03-31-2009, 01:57 AM
Hi all,

I don't own my new buddy BT48 yet but I am in the midst of planning space in my shop for it.

My question is this... has anyone created an enclosure for their bot?

I live in San Diego where price per sq ft for workspace is unbelieveable. So I work in a TINY shop (300- sq ft) where I do multiple other operations, including painting and some hot enameling work. dust collection is going to be a huge concern. My traditional wood tools are all on carts and castors to roll outside to use but this isnt practical for the bot given my setup. Most of the projects on the bot are going to be small, less than the size of the table.

Assuming I leave room for the travel of the gantry and table, are there any other concerns that anyone sees in me making a plywood cabinet with plexi doors that can close to contain the bot while operating?

for example, are there heat issues? do I need to vent this cabinet in any particular way? how often do you find a need to get to the bot during a normal cutting operation? how useful do think this would be in dust containment anyway?etc...

Thanks for any thoughts and/or input.

03-31-2009, 04:16 AM
Chris, I'm thinking of using a pop-up camping tent as a containment unit. They're cheap, moveable, fully enclosed and have windows and a good size. zippered door. About the only downside I can think of, which can be a big one, is their lack of soundproofing.

03-31-2009, 10:47 AM
Chris, Back when I was looking at buying a Shopbot one of the machines I went to look at was enclosed in plexiglass. It was not a buddy, it was a PRT48. I think if you were to allow for the movement of the table you would be fine. The biggest drawback I can think of would be loading and unloading material.

04-04-2009, 02:27 AM
So at least with the posts so far, no risks with heat, venting, and access.

any other practical concerns?

I'm about to cut my ply, so any info is timely.

07-21-2009, 05:04 PM
Cross posting to the show and tell folder


pics and details of the finished enclosure


07-24-2009, 03:02 PM
Excellent job Chris, very good work. I'll bet the projects you get paid for are superb too. I love the computer gantry, very "Torchwood" ( BBC America )