View Full Version : C-3 not working

02-21-2017, 07:19 PM
When I click on C-3 the gantry does not stop but the lights go out when the prox switches get to the bolt heads. They did work before but its been a while since I used them. any ideas on what to check?

02-22-2017, 06:28 AM
rerun your setup in the shopbot software under tools and make sure that the box I have Prox switches and want to setup X Y zeroing

02-22-2017, 07:19 AM
rerun your setup in the shopbot software under tools and make sure that the box I have Prox switches and want to setup X Y zeroing

I have noticed that, at times, you will get this problem right after running the spindle warm up routine. As a habit I now re-start the control program right after warming up my spindle.

02-22-2017, 03:32 PM
rerun your setup in the shopbot software under tools and make sure that the box I have Prox switches and want to setup X Y zeroing

I tried this and the gantry still did not stop at bolt heads. But there was a message at the top of the setup page that said(you are using a modified setting file or something is incorrectly setup)
It says I have a PRT Standard but I have a PRS Standard and everytime I try to change it goes back to the PRT.

02-22-2017, 05:43 PM
It sounds like your config file has gotten messed up to me. My suggestion is to use the UR command to do a reset and then make sure you select the correct PRS tool when asked to pick the config file. You should be good to go after that

02-27-2017, 04:38 PM
I tried this and selected prs 96 x 48 and when I go back to the set up it still says prt . I have tried everything I can think of and that might be the problem.

It sounds like your config file has gotten messed up to me. My suggestion is to use the UR command to do a reset and then make sure you select the correct PRS tool when asked to pick the config file. You should be good to go after that

Gary Campbell
02-27-2017, 05:05 PM
Go in the switch setting [V] [N] and set switches 2 and 3 to "normally closed limit" for the PRS. PRT has normally open limit on switch 2

02-28-2017, 07:41 AM
Thanks everyone for the help got it back working and every thing seem ok now. Hope I didnt cause any other problems trying to fix this one but so far everything is working.

02-28-2017, 02:54 PM
Well now I have a problem with the Z height also I think I have lost the setup file for my PRS 96 x48 what I did was select PRS 48 x 48 and my prox switches worked now how do I get it changed to a 48 x 96 how would I go about that or how would I get the right setup file back?

02-28-2017, 03:12 PM
'UR' and choose the proper file.

02-28-2017, 05:56 PM
'UR' and choose the proper file.

When I do that the PRS 96 x48 is missing but I did use the PRS 48 x 48 and changed the 48 to 96 and everything seems ok now.