View Full Version : Reset table size, squaring Z again, surfacing table

11-27-2005, 01:34 AM
Folks -

Well, we got the spindle running and the table surfaced! We used a 1" planer bit with 75% stepover at 1.5"/sec and it took 75 minutes to surface the table -.008. The spoilboard registered flat within 1/8" along X, and 1/32 on Y. There were some sawtooth ridges that I think are because Z is *just* out of plumb - how would you reset something that looks level - it would be only a nudge.

What kind of feed speeds could I expect cutting MDF with a 1/4" straight bit and the 3 hp colombo?

Finally, how (again, sorry) do you reset the table size in SB/PW? Somehow I have a 48" table in my previews and need 60/96 or 48/96... I *know* I've seen it, but darned if I can find it now...

Thanks again and sorry if I drifted... We're just giddy at finally making our first cut!

John Moorhead

11-27-2005, 02:33 AM
You're making sawdust. Well done!
Do you mind if I make a small suggestion?
Try keeping similar questions to one post.
If you split your posts over a number of threads, you may get half of the question being answered on each thread.
Often threads grow into something much more than the original question. If there is only one thread covering a particular topic it is easier to follow rather than hopping about different threads.
Your type of questions are important for new users, would be users, and lurkers who experience similar problems.
Its a pity if some of the good answers are missed because they dont appear in all similar threads.
Now you're making sawdust, get the camera ready to show us your first piece off the table!

11-27-2005, 10:29 AM
I'm headed out your way (Northern California/Mendonesia) in a week or so. Drop me an e-mail with an e-mail address or phone # so I can contact you and we can try to connect in person at your shop. There are a number of other 'Botters in your area and we're going to try and get something going to establish a Northern California Camp up in St. Helena....

11-27-2005, 03:03 PM

Typing VP lets you set the size of the table.

After that's done you need to change your table limits using the VL command or you might get some "table limit" errors. At this point just make them a little bit bigger all around than your table size...the defaults for a 96x48 tool are -0.5 to 96.5 in the X, -0.5 to 48.5 in the Y, and -3.0 to 8.0 in the Z.

Once you get a little more running time there's a Bill's Corner article here (http://www.shopbottools.com/bctablebase.htm) about table base coordinates that will walk you through the steps of setting accurate table limits.


Ryan Patterson
11-27-2005, 03:45 PM
I cut 3/4" mdf with a 3/8" upcut spiral at 6"per sec. When I surface the table will surface at 12" per sec. When I set up my Z axis I drilled a 1/2" hole in center of a flat board put a 1/2" bolt thu the hole. Then chucked the bolt in the spindle. Then I lowered the z axis with the bolts for the Z lose until it just touched the surface of the table. I moved the z until the board was flat to my table the tightened the bolts to the Z.


11-28-2005, 01:08 AM
If you haven't yet done so, look here (http://www.talkshopbot.com/forum/cgi-bin/discus/show.cgi?tpc=7&post=19473#POST19473).
Lots of advice, including bits on trammeling.